Superman & Me

Image result for teaching to read and write In Sherman Alexie’s “Superman & Me” he attempts to teach other Native Americans how to read a write, however, the stereotypes got to them, and they stay stubborn despite his best efforts. “I throw my weight against their locked doors. The doors hold.” (Superman & Me). Alexie uses a metaphor here, describing the children’s stubbornness as a locked door as he attempts to break them from the lack of motivation they have surrounding them. Alexie understands what they are going through because as a child he went through the exact same, and it leads to issues during his childhood. Alexie uses metaphor in his text in order to describe struggles he witnesses.

Image result for locked door

Alexie continued to stay determined on his path of learning to read and write rImage result for kids readingegardless of how many obstacles he faced. “I refused to fail. I was smart. I was arrogant. I was lucky.” (Superman & Me). Alexie was different than other kids his age because he naturally felt the urge to learn from the others. This want to gain knowledge set him apart from other Native Americans because it allowed himself to pull himself out of the stereotypes that were set upon himself and Native Americans. Sherman Alexie used his determination to set himself apart from others and become a role model for others to follow

Image result for native american

One thought on “Superman & Me

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  1. When you say “he attempts to teach” we do not know who he is try restructuring the sentence so that there are no vagueness. Your first sentence is just a summary of what happened in the text, you have to describe the message or theme for the texts. What do these events make the reader feel? For your CD introduce your quote, don’t just start with the quote. Your commentary is mostly summarizing the events of the text. talk about what the metaphor reveals. Overall I feel that your writing in understandable and organized but requires more commentary and less summarization.


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